Monday, 30 April 2012

Sting Animation - Arm rising Key frames and Inbetween

This is the scene that Ive animated (Key frames and Inbetween) and Laura will be clearning this up. It looks pretty messy right now but I think I've managed to time it right. (It looks a bit slow on GIF) 

Sting Animation - Colouring In and adding Minerva

Another Scene I've coloured in. and also I have added the Minerva symbols onto her shield.

Sting Animation - Motion Tween (2)

Another Motion Tween on the girl's Eyes.
(Ive also coloured her in)

The eyes was a bit complicated since the movement has to match with the dragon sliding down and also 2 eyes movement got to match otherwise it looks wrong.

Sting Animation - Motion Tween

It was my first time to use Motion Tween on Flash... I have animated the star above the dragon's head.

It was REALLY complicated at the beginning but Ive managed to create the spinning stars.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Sting Animation - GIF Animation 2

Another scenes that Ive done on flash. The first scene is the close up of her arm and hand holding blue ball. Its the still image so no animation.

Second scene is the stairs with a dog sleeping and the girl standing at the top of the stairs.
Ive worked a lot onto the sleeping dog. The dog was my first attempt to animate with using flash so Im sort of proud of this. It took me a bit of time to get everything right like on my first go his nose wasn't in the same shape. Also I struggled to colour in the characters somehow.

Last scene is the close up of the girl holding the blue ball. Again, still image so no animation.

Sting Animation - GIF Animation

This is the scene that Ive done on Flash. The scene where the girl sort of gets surprised by the Dragon' "Raaaaawr". Its a simple animation that 3 or 4 frames are repeating.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Sting Animation - Previous group's work (Extra drawings)

Again and again... my previous group's work.

The top drawings is done by me (Most of them) and Becca. It took me about 2 hours. We've run through the black water colour first to create the texture, and then did the same thing on the top, and then when thats dryed we've added the designs on the top.

The second and third drawing is the Balloon. Becca did the colouring in and Ive done the outline and the design such as ribbons etc.

Sting Animation - Previous group's work (Character design)

Again, my previous group's work here. This is the character designs that Ive done. The plan is that we are going to scan this to the PC and work onto After effect. I have drawn the each piece of the body parts so that it would be easier to work on and create the body movements.

Sting Animation - Previous group's work (Background)

 This is the previous group's work that Ive done. The water colour background that has been hand painted onto A4 sheet.